A. The reasons for secession in all five of the state secession declarations:
1. The Republican Party's intent to block the expansion of slavery into the western territories.
South Carolina, (Note 1), Mississippi, Texas, Georgia, Florida
2. Northern states' Personal Liberty laws that interfere with the Federal Fugitive Slave Act.
South Carolina, Mississippi, Texas, Georgia, Florida
B. Reasons that three to four states agree on:
1. John Brown's attempt to start a slave insurrection.
Mississippi, Texas, Florida
2. Northerners (i.e. abolitionists) advocate equality of the races.
Mississippi, Texas, Florida, Georgia
3. Northerners (i.e. abolitionists) have formed groups that advocate the complete abolition of slavery.
Mississippi, Texas, Florida
C. Reasons that just one state or two states related to race and/or slavery:
1. Republican congressmen/abolitionists attempt to incite violent slave rebellions in the South.
2. Northerners (i.e. abolitionists) protecting fugitive slaves and/or subject slave catchers to acts of violence.
3. Northerners want to destroy the "industry and social structure" or "wives, children and homes of the South."
Mississippi, Georgia
4. Blame northerners and the federal government for the violence in Bleeding Kansas.
D. Reasons that are given for secession that are not related to race and/or slavery:
5. Raising import duties (tariffs) and other measures to support northern industry.
6. The federal government has not protected the state from Indian attacks or "banditti" (Mexican bandits)
Note 1:
South Carolina's claims are about what they see as violations
of the Constitution by the northern state governments and the federal
(Republican Party) government's intent to block the expansion of
slavery. They also mention Lincoln's support for the long term
abolition of slavery.
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